In the modern era people peep into the knowledge concerning to birthstones so that they can enjoy from the every attribute associated with gemstones. It looks very attractive and charming if a lady has adorned with the diamond jewelry worn a white address. If she is Aries, she can feel reflection of Aries Birthstone in her personality gradually.
Birthstones Jewelry is getting priority among to folks due to their adornment features and potential attributes. Observatory knowledge has displayed clear picture of the gemstones to all. Further, advance research about the gemstones is in reach of every individual due to availability of internet on smart phone of everyone.
Today, people are aware of the characteristics of the birthstones but some are still lacking behind. We are here exploring the traits of Aries and Libra Birthstones.
Meaning, Color and Characteristics of Aries Birthstones
Aries Birthstones are more than one in numbers. Dates for Aries are from March 21 to April 19. Aries are at first position in Zodiac classification. Therefore, Aries personalities always struggle to prove themselves number one in every department of life. Sign for Aries is RAM- an animal that protects and attacks with its head. Element associated with the Aries is fire.
Aries owns very pleasant months of year. In spring season beauty of daffodils is at peak representing its relation with the spring season and Aries Birthstone.
Aquamarine- March Aries Birthstone
Aquamarine is aggregate of two words, aqua means “water” and marine means “sea”. Therefore, meaning of aquamarine is “seawater”. It is the member of beryl family.
March Aries Birthstone has blue to blue green color. Its color has exact match with clear sea water. In other words, it owns a pastel sky blue. In the past for long duration, it has been considered as sign of aspiration, fitness and loyalty. As stone is in the world with sky color delivering, the message of eternal prosperous life.
If your 19th marriage anniversary in very near, select aquamarine jewelry for your female spouse. For understanding in your relation, this gemstone has shown very good results.
Aquamarine birthstone has good clarity level as compared to the Emerald. The recommended stones have high level clarity with bright colors.
Diamond- April Aries Birthstone
April Aries Birthstone is diamond. It is one of the most precious gemstones. Often folks love to wear them for show off and to prove their financial work in the society.
Diamond owns multidimensional attributes. Being the hardest stone, its use in the industry is inevitable. It is embedded in the various tools. You can use these tools for cutting of hardest stones. In addition to all, it gives amazing luster to precious objects when they are polished with it.
Aries Birthstone Color attracts the individuals. Diamond looks attractive in white color or colorless tone. You can see diamond naturally in all colors but it is not possible for all you to have black diamond easily as it is rare color.
Libra Birthstone with Amazing Traits
Libra Birthstone has date from 23 September to 22 November. Librans are lover of balance, and harmony in relations. They own Libra sign and always prefer justice in life. Discipline in life is their high level priority.
Opal is gemstone for Librans. Libra Birthstone Color develops the interest of wearers to own it. Opal with multi colors cultivates the sense of protection in the bearers’ and saves them from anxiety. It has colors of all birthstones. Many literary persons had quoted the references of its color in their literature. It is part of sedimentary silica rocks.