Craigslist, Liquor Stores, Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, U-Haul Customer Connect, Office Depot or OfficeMax, Walgreens, PetSmart, Walmart, Target, WinCo, Costco, Offer Up, Lets Go, Facebook Community Groups, Freecycle, Dollar Store, Petco, and Rite Aid are just a few places where you can get cardboard boxes. Simply ask an employee at a commercial store if they have any free boxes. Search for any free moving box listings in other places, such as classifieds, and post a request for boxes there.
- Craigslist
Craigslist has the most extensive free section of any website. They provide cardboard boxes to anyone moving anywhere. Simply go to the free section and look for boxes for moving and storage. There will be far too many options for you to choose from!
You’ll have the best luck finding boxes early in the week, just after everyone else has finished moving the previous weekend, in my experience. Craigslist has a lot of free boxes.
- Stores that sell alcoholic beverages
Because they can hold glass alcohol bottles, these crates are ideal for transporting. They are robust and very durable. Each shop will be different, but all you have to do is inquire when they get bottle shipments and then ask them to put some away for you. Just go early in the afternoon before the night rush makes it too crowded!
- Barnes & Noble is a bookstore that specializes in books.
How do books go around? Presented in durable packaging. When it comes to relocating, what do you want to use? Heavy-Duty cardboard boxes So, where do you acquire your boxes from? And like custom donut boxes are the biggest example of cardboard boxes. There’s a bookshop! Any Barnes & Noble bookstore will suffice, as long as shipments are made often! Simply find out when their book shipments are due and arrive in time, because I’m sure more people than just you are aware of these tactics!
- Starbucks
We all need a cup of coffee. We’ll need coffee grinds, machines, filters, flavorings, and cream to brew coffee. They’re all packaged in cute little boxes! A typical Starbucks café may get two to three shipments of supplies each week. They offer every kind of box, so I’m sure you’ll be able to find one for anything you need. You may as well have a nice cup of coffee while you’re there! Starbucks sells storage boxes.
- Classified ads in your area
Thousands of ads on local classifieds markets are local people giving out free boxes. Hundreds of individuals are ready to offer you boxes for free or sell you their boxes for $1 if you do a simple search. This is without a doubt one of the most effective methods for locating free (or almost free) boxes!
- Customer Service
Each offers a place where customers may deposit their cardboard boxes for free to be used by others! Simply go in and ask the shop manager if there are any boxes available. Simply input your zip code and city, and you’re good to go! Examine every shop in your immediate area.
- OfficeMax or Office- Depot
Office Depot’s first shipping day of the week is typically Tuesday, and they’ll have so many boxes that they won’t know what to do with them all. I believe they’d be delighted if you showed up and offered to take a few off their hands!
Inquire about the lidded boxes. These are usually the ones with printer and copier paper inside. It’s possible that this will be your one-stop shop for moving and storage boxes
- Walgreens
You just need to notify Walgreens ahead of time and request boxes. They usually toss them away or recycle them as soon as possible. Call ahead and request that they spare you some boxes from their next shipment, or just ask when they aren’t especially busy
- PetSmart
Boxes don’t come with dogs! No, but their food, drink containers, toys, beds, and other items are all packaged in attractive tiny boxes! Ask the manager at your local PetSmart if they have any boxes you can borrow. If you go before 12 p.m., you’ll avoid the usual doggie loving crush!
- Walmart
Walmart is the holy grail of box hunting. They have every size, shape, kind, and weight of cardboard you can think of!
- Target
Target receives the most shipments on weekdays. You’ll avoid the consumer rush if you arrive before 12 p.m., and workers and supervisors will be more inclined to assist you! They will even put aside the boxes for you at the customer service counter if you phone beforehand.
- WinCo
Make an appointment to meet with a WinCo produce manager or a stocker in advance (someone who stocks the shelves with the merchandise). They may be able to put aside a few boxes for you. If you’ve phoned beforehand, you’re welcome to come by any day!
- Costco
Costco is renowned for recycling or repurposing its packaging for various purposes. However, if you contact ahead of a shipment, you may be able to grab a few before they’re all gone!
- OfferUp
This is a fantastic mobile ads app for locating cardboard boxes and other free or for sale goods. Try it out and you’ll be surprised at how many individuals are ready to sell or give away their carboard boxes for free. Take a look!