
Prevent the Risk of Cancer: 6 Effective Tips

Prevent the Risk of Cancer: 6 Effective Tips

We all must have heard even once that prevention is better than cure. But do we follow this in our life? Actually Not! 

Ignoring health and unsound lifestyle habits is the prime reason for rising death rates. Mainly, due to severe illnesses such as cancer, kidney failure, heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many more. Let us today talk about the rapidly increasing disease of cancer. 

A report has accounted for nearly 20 million new cancer cases worldwide and it is expected to increase to 29.9 million by 2040.

On average 1 out of 10 deaths are due to cancer, so it has become essential to take preventative measures to stop such fatal disease from further escalation. 

So, Let us take a look at how to be well prepared to face health challenges by just making changes in lifestyle and diet. 

6 Lifestyle Tips to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Stay Away from Tobacco

It has been found that the use of tobacco contributes to 30% of all cancer-related deaths. This includes cancer of the throat, voice box, lungs, pancreas, bladder, cervix, and kidney. Therefore, stay away from tobacco and stop using it. This is a highly important step to help prevent cancer. Moreover, quitting any habit is not easy, it demands time and will. For this, consulting a healthcare provider about stop-smoking products is the best option. 

Keep yourself physically fit

Being overweight or obese leads to cancer of the breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to keep yourself free from diseases. Consequently, it lowers the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. Follow a regular diet and exercise plan to lead a healthy life. Practicing yoga, Zumba, cardio, and high-intensity workouts, also helps to speed up weight loss. Even if you do not have much time due to a hectic working schedule or any other tasks, give at least an hour daily for running or walking to your body. At least something will be better than nothing. 

Check Family History

Evaluating family history also helps to determine the cancer risk. If your close relative has been diagnosed with cancer, you might be at risk of developing such an illness. Sp. discuss you family history with medical experts to determine if there is need for any screening and genetic testing. In this way, you will be able to detect disease or its treatment. 

Protection from UV Rays

Harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are the leading cause of skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form. Therefore, protecting yourself from UV rays is essential to reduce cancer risk. Always use sunscreen with a high SPF, wear protective clothing, and avoid excessive sun exposure).

Get Regular Medical Examination

Prevention through early detection is one of the most effective ways to fight cancer. Regular medical check-ups, including cancer screenings, can help detect cancer in its early stages. As a result, early screening leads to more successful treatment and improved survival rates. Even healthcare providers suggest that a healthy person must undergo a routine screening.  

Be Mindful of Eating habits

Most importantly, a healthy diet plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of various diseases like cancer. So, make sure to add plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. These help to boost your immune system and prevent cancer. Do not consume processed and red meats, sugary foods, and high-fat diets, as these are the major reasons for colon cancer. Incorporating eatables rich in vitamins C and E and maintaining a balanced diet can significantly contribute to your overall well-being and lower the chances of cancer development.

Bottom line

On the whole, a healthy lifestyle and diet are the key to leading a disease-free life. Stay away from unhealthy habits like eating processed and packaged food, drinking alcohol, smoking, tobacco, etc. These are not only effective in preventing the risk of cancer but also many other fatal diseases. In addition to this, monitor your family history and go for regular screening to stop any disease from developing in the body by early detection. 

Choose a healthier lifestyle, exercise daily, eat fruits, veggies, and dry fruits, and lead a happier life!

Author: mayank

Mayank Firani is a dedicated blog writer with expertise in crafting compelling content across various niches.

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